Eli Lang 1,000 Points

Minneola, KS- Tuesday night seemed like Deja Vu for both the boys and girls Varsity Basketball teams, as they matched up with SPIAA opponent Ingalls. This was the second time that the Ingalls Lady Bulldogs and Minneola Lady Wildcats have matched up during this season, while it was the third time that the Boys Varsity Teams have squared off. Unfortunately for our beloved Lady Wildcats, both games have seen the final score not mirror how closely the games were really played. 

They Minneola Wildcats were able to keep the Ingalls Bulldog chained up for a third time this year, with all of the games coming down to the wire. When the dust was settled Tuesday night, Minneola was able to celebrate more than a win. Tuesday night we were able to celebrate Senior Eli Lang on scoring over 1,000 Career Points. This is the second year in a row, and the third year in the last five years, that Minneola has been able to celebrate one of their student-athletes on reaching the 1,000 point mark. The 2022-2023 season saw Lady Wildcat Madi Denison reach the mark, while 2019-2020 saw Tuck Lang reach the milestone. Congratulations to Eli Lang on reaching an impressive milestone!